Abdullah Diab’s Blog

  • Just a month

    I’m sorry to announce that I won’t be able to post any posts until the end of January 2009, and that’s because of my university exams 🙂 Thank you for visiting me, and see ya soon 😉 P.S. Wish me luck and high marks 😀

  • I’m Learning Python part 7

    I’m Learning Python (part 7)

      <img title="Python Logo" src="http://www.python.org/images/python-logo.gif" alt="Python Logo" />


    First of all I wanna apologize for being late with this part, I’ve had busy days first during Shaam 2008 expo and second during some studies at the college and last busy time past launching Bawabaty project.

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  • I’m Learning Python part 6

    I’m Learning Python (part 6)

      <img title="Python Logo" src="http://www.python.org/images/python-logo.gif" alt="Python Logo" />


    Dictionaries in Python are like dictionaries in life, they consist of key-value pairs, each key maps a value, values can be any object type, and keys also. Keys must be unique, I mean that we can’t have two identical keys with different values.

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  • I’m Learning Python (part 5)

    I’m Learning Python (part 5)

      <img title="Python Logo" src="http://www.python.org/images/python-logo.gif" alt="Python Logo" />

    String Is Immutable?

    Last time I told you to try to change a specified character, you must have failed if you tried:
    >>> s[0] = ‘c’
    The error you’d get is:
    TypeError: ‘str’ object does not support item assignment
    This means that strings are immutable, so are core-types, numbers and tuples, they can’t be changed, while lists and dictionaries can be changed freely.

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  • I’m Learning Python part 4

    I’m Learning Python (part 4)

      <img title="Python Logo" src="http://www.python.org/images/python-logo.gif" alt="Python Logo" />

    Why Use Built-In Types?

    Most of the time in programming you’ll use lists, stacks, arrays, queues and dictionaries, so instead of constructing them, Python gives you a bunch of built-in types to use. The built-in types implement the semantic of the type ADT (Abstract Data Type), and they are fast, ‘cuz some of them are written in C and C++.

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  • I’m Learning Python part 3

    I’m Learning Python (part 3)

      <img title="Python Logo" src="http://www.python.org/images/python-logo.gif" alt="Python Logo" /></div> 
      <h1 style="font-family: Georgia;">
        What Is Interactive Mode?
        When you install Python on your platform you&#8217;ll find an executable called &#8216;python&#8217;, when you run it you&#8217;ll find a terminal and you&#8217;ll see something like the following:<br /> <em>Python 2.6 (r26:66721, Oct 2 2008, 11:35:03) [MSC v.1500 32 bit (Intel)] on win32<br /> Type &#8220;help&#8221;, &#8220;copyright&#8221;, &#8220;credits&#8221; or &#8220;license&#8221; for more information.<br /> >>></em><br /> This is called interactive coding (or interactive mode), here you can write Python statements and the interpreter will execute them directly, let&#8217;s try:<br /> <em>>>> print &#8220;I Love Python&#8221;<br /> I Love Python<br /> >>> print 2 ** 10<br /> 1024<br /> >>></em><br /> 

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  • I’m Learning Python part 2

    I’m Learning Python (part 2)

      <img title="Python Logo" src="http://www.python.org/images/python-logo.gif" alt="Python Logo" />

    Who Uses Python?

    In the world there are more than 1 million Python user, that’s because it’s
    open source, and because it is implemented for every platform, and it comes
    included within Linux distributions and Macintosh computers and more.

    1. Google uses Python in its web search system, and it employs the Python’s
    2. YouTube is largely written in Python.
    3. BitTorrent file sharing system is a Python program.
    4. Intel, Cisco, HP, Seagate, Qualcomm and IB< use Python for hardware
    5. Industrial Light & Magic, Pixar, and others use Python in the production
      of movie animation.
    6. NASA, Los Alamos, Fermilab, JPL, and others use Python for scientific
    7. iRobot uses Python to develop commercial robotic vacuum cleaners 🙂
    8. NSA uses Python for cryptography and intelligence analysis.

    See Python website for more.

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  • I’m Learning Python part 1

    I’m Learning Python
    Python Logo

    I’ll start posting this series of blogs on WordPress and CSC, here I’ll write what I’m gonna learn on my way to learning Python.

    If you don’t know what Python is, or you’ve heard about it but you’re not sure what it is, my first blog will cover it for you.

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  • Your drawings are Objects in GDI+

    Hi all .Net developers and programmers. If you’re a .Net developer or a programmer you must have heard of the Drawing namespace in System namespace, and you maybe used it to draw in your applications. For those who used them they must have found that moving a single shape in a scene using simple code is not that easy, you’ll have to redraw the whole scene with the shape in its new location, the same thing happens for rotating and scaling a shape, so I had an idea, “Why can’t we just write Rectangle.

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