Simple AJAX Quote in Drupal 6
I’ve been upgrading the forum of Computer Science in Syria for a week now.
The forum uses Drupal, and it ran a beta version of Drupal 4, and I upgraded it to the latest Drupal version now.
I wanted to have AJAX quoting in the forum, but I wanted it to be simple without lots of JavaScript loaded. So as usual I got pissed off and decided to create my own code to do it. 8)
The code was very simple, knowing that the Quote link will get you to a page where the textarea has the quoted text, and knowing that Drupal 6 has jQuery loaded in it 🙂
I added the following code to /misc/drupal.js file:
$('a.quote, li.quote a').click(function () { $(this).after($(' <img style="width: 16px; height: 16px;" class="quoting" src="" alt="loading" />')); $.ajax({ url: $(this).attr('href'), cache: false, success: function(html){ $('img.quoting').remove(); var changed = false; if ($('#wysiwyg-toggle-edit-comment').text() == Drupal.settings.wysiwyg.disable) { $('#wysiwyg-toggle-edit-comment').click(); changed = true; } $('#edit-comment').val($('#edit-comment').val() + ($('#edit-comment').val() == '' ? '' : '\n') + $(html).children().find('#edit-comment').val()); var $target = $('#edit-comment'); $target = $target.length && $target || $('[name=' + this.hash.slice(1) +']'); if ($target.length) { var targetOffset = $target.offset().top; $('html,body').animate({scrollTop: targetOffset}, 1000); } if (changed) $('#wysiwyg-toggle-edit-comment').click(); $('#edit-comment').scrollTop($('#edit-comment')[0].scrollHeight); } }); return false; });
You can see that I used this image to be displayed while loading the quote into the textarea because it matches the colors of the forum style.
The process is too simple:
- @line 02: Display a loading image.
- @line 03: Request the quoting page which is located in the href attribute of the quote link.
- @line 07: Remove the image.
- @lines 08 ~ 12: Checking if the HTML editor is enabled, and disabling it so I can assign the value directly to the textarea.
- @line 13: Assigning the value of the textarea in the quote page to the textarea in this page.
- @lines 14 ~ 19: Scrolling the page’s vertical scroll to reach the textarea.
- @lines 20 ~ 21: Re-enabling the editor if I disabled it.
- @line 22: Scrolling the textarea’s vertical scroll to reach the end of the text.
- @line 25: Returning false to the browser so it doesn’t redirect the page to the quoting page.
You see? it is as simple as this 🙂
I’ll soon post some other modifications that made the forum more simple 🙂